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Business School Lausanne

在洛桑商学院 (BSL),我们以充满活力和前瞻性的方式重新定义商业教育。BSL 位于瑞士,是国际专业人士和创新的中心,汇聚了来自世界各地的学生和 E/MBA 学员,在独特的学习环境中与行业专家合作。我们的小班授课确保个性化关注,培养有意义的参与,并让我们的教师能够帮助每位学员找到他们独特的优势,同时培养当今市场高度需要的技能并深入探索社会中的商业角色。

BSL 成立于 1987 年,是欧洲第一所获得 ACBSP 认证的商学院,并于 1996 年成为 Lemania 瑞士商学院集团的一部分。我们的网络十分广泛,拥有 50 名国际教职员工,并与欧洲和亚洲的机构建立了合作伙伴关系。我们的学生来自 60 个国家,Lemania 集团的毕业生超过 12 万名,我们的影响力遍布全球。

我们的课程旨在让学生、E/MBA 学员和 DBA 申请者掌握在职业生涯各个阶段发展所需的技能,并通过真诚的方法实现有意义的改变。通过整合现实世界的挑战并培养批判性思维,我们让学生和学员以战略知识和自信应对复杂情况。在 BSL,我们的教育方法侧重于提供培养创业思维、在每个项目中创造价值以及自信地领导的技能。领导力不仅仅是教授;它每天都在体现和实践。

希望进入瑞士的非欧盟学生必须持有有效护照和瑞士大使馆或领事馆签发的学习签证。请注意,旅游签证不授权持有外国护照的学生在瑞士学习。学习签证申请必须提交给您所在国家的瑞士大使馆,然后转交给瑞士州政府。整个过程需要10 到 12 周

所有居住在瑞士的外国学生(欧盟和非欧盟)都需要学生 B 许可证。

瑞士现在是申根区的一部分,这意味着一旦您获得学生 B 许可证,您就可以免签证前往以下国家:奥地利、比利时、捷克共和国、丹麦、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、法国、德国、希腊、匈牙利、冰岛、意大利、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、卢森堡、马耳他、挪威、荷兰、波兰、葡萄牙、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、西班牙和瑞典。



Applicants are reviewed on an individual basis and are evaluated based on how they intend to contribute their talents to the community of students, faculty, and staff of BSL.

To apply for a scholarship, you should provide a Scholarship Letter together with your complete file at the initial application stage. Your Scholarship Letter should indicate whether you are applying for a scholarship based on merit or financial need. In the case of the latter, you should emphasize your financial condition and the reasons why you need the funding. Regardless of whether you apply for a merit- or need-based scholarship, your letter should address the following:

  • Why do you believe you deserve the merit or need-based Scholarship
  • Describe your talent(s) or contribution to BSL and its student community (this should link to specific activities that are provided in the attached process document)
  • Describe why your talent(s) would be important and add value to BSL and its student community
  • Outline your need and expectation in terms of a % of a scholarship and link this to the scope of contribution to the BSL community

Interested in more information on our partial scholarship program, fill in the form below and get in touch with us!

BSL在培养全面而负责任的领导者方面拥有超过 35 年的经验,这些领导者为世界各地的组织和社区做出了重大贡献。

我们的全球校友网络连接了来自 50 多个国家的 1920 多名校友。他们中相当一部分人已成为企业家并成功创办了自己的企业;其他人则选择了在跨国公司工作,例如瑞银、微软、宝洁、汇丰、强生、宝格丽、IBM、雀巢、埃森哲、卡特彼勒等。

就业办公室定期联系校友BSL让他们与其他校友、学生、教职员工和工作机会建立联系,收集和分享他们的故事,并邀请他们作为我们课堂上的客座演讲者。BSL 与学生之间的关系当然不会止步于毕业;学校通过 LinkedIn 上的BSL校友积极培养与毕业生的这种关系。

凭借小班授课的密集学习体验, BSL毕业生建立了紧密的人际网络,支持他们持续的个人和专业成长BSL支持校友组织聚会并在其居住国成立地方分会的举措。

    在瑞士, Business School Lausanne的国际和可持续金融硕士在 2019 年 QS 商务硕士排名中排名第 2 ,其国际商务硕士在 2019 年 QS 全球 MBA 排名中排名第 4

    该主排名涵盖了来自世界各地的 150 多所学校,并根据就业能力、校友成果、性价比、思想领导力以及班级和教师多样性五项指标对它们进行排名。

    MBA 排名考虑了多种标准,例如创业精神和校友成果、投资回报率、思想领导力以及班级和教师多样性,但它强调就业能力作为一个关键因素的重要性(占 MBA 课程总排名权重的 40%)。

    2019 年 Q&S 排名成为付费排名后, BSL不再寻求出现在该排名中。一般来说, BSL不寻求出现在付费排名中。

    BSL-s-rankings-and-accreditations" class="wp-block-heading">BSL’s Accreditations

    How do we see accreditations?

    Accreditations are not only logos for websites, transcripts, or diplomas. Accreditations provide institutions with standards that help them design their activities (strategy, management, teaching, and learning) by assessing them against a benchmark based on the worldwide experience of the best organizations and academic institutions.

    ATHEA 认证

    Business School Lausanne BSL is proud to announce its achievement of first-time institutional accreditation by the Association for Transnational Higher Education Accreditation (ATHEA), a respected international organization dedicated to ensuring quality and continuous improvement in education through institutional accreditation. This prestigious recognition underscores BSL’s unwavering commitment to academic excellence, sustainability, and student-centered learning.

    Following a comprehensive evaluation process that included a thorough review of its programs, faculty, facilities, and resources, BSL welcomed a team of ATHEA representatives to campus for a rigorous peer review. Throughout the rigorous assessment, BSL demonstrated its commitment to student-centered learning and adaptive education tailored to meet societal needs.

    ATHEA’s institutional accreditation process was an opportunity to verify that Business School Lausanne is up to the European standards and guidelines for higher education”, said Dr. David Claivaz, BSL Acting Dean. Dominique Bourqui, Chief Academic Officer, further explained “The ATHEA’s accreditation process acknowledged BSL’s performance in leveraging information and data to design, redesign, and maintain academic programs that equip our graduates with the most up-to-date business knowledge and the most relevant business skills”.

    With this accreditation, BSL joins an elite group of institutions recognized for their dedication to providing students and participants with a high-quality education that successfully prepares them to be leaders in a fast-changing landscape. Moreover, this milestone constitutes a significant step towards achieving national and international recognition, which elevates and brings more value to the degrees of our current students and alumni.

    ACBSP Accreditation

    BSL programs have been ACBSP accredited since 1996.

    The accreditation of the BSL programs by ACBSP is there to help students validate their studies towards employers and academic institutions.

    ACBSP accreditation has a special focus on employability.

    “ACBSP’s accreditation process follows the Baldrige model. The accreditation focuses on recognizing teaching excellence, determining student learning outcomes, and a continuous improvement model. ACBSP’s student-centered teaching and learning approach, which is measured and analyzed for quality, ensures that students gain the right skills from their educational investment. Institutions with programs accredited by ACBSP are committed to continuous improvement that ensures their business program will give students the skills employers want.

    Source: ACBSP

    ACBSP accreditation also regularly helps BSL graduates continue their studies in the best academic institutions worldwide:

    • Oxford University
    • Stockholm School of Economics
    • Dublin Business School
    • Columbia University
    • University of Colorado Boulder
    • Washington State University
    • London School of Economics and Political Science
    • Regent’s University London
    • Université Paris Descartes
    • Graduate School of Management St. Petersburg State University

    … to name but a few.

    • Chavannes-près-Renens

      Route de la Maladière, 21, 1022, Chavannes-près-Renens

    • Lausanne

      Lausanne, 瑞士



    Business School Lausanne