Santa Clara, 美國
60 Hours
Aug 2025
转学运动机能学文科副学士(运动机能学 AA-T)旨在为计划转学并完成 CSU 专业或运动机能学学士的学生向 CSU 机构提供明确的Pathway 。
获得转学运动机能学艺术副学士(运动机能学 AA-T)的加州社区学院学生保证在 CSU 系统的某个地方获得初级学位,并优先考虑他们当地的 CSU 机构或被视为类似于他们的社区大学专业。
此优先级不保证被特定专业或机构录取。运动机能学艺术副学士(运动机能学 AA-T)旨在向学生介绍运动科学和研究的许多方面。
完成转学运动机能学艺术副学士(运动机能学 AA-T)的学生满足转入运动机能学四年学习计划的低年级要求。
什么是 AA-T
转学文科副学士 (AA-T) 适用于计划在 CSU 校园转学并完成类似专业学士学位的学生。完成这些转学学位的学生:
- 将从Mission College获得副学士学位;
- 保证在 CSU 系统的校园内获得类似专业的录取;
- 将准备在 CSU 开始高年级课程;
- 并且在转移后不必完成超过60个单元。
- 沟通技巧和积极的倾听者
- 指导和监控情况
- 服务至上的心态
- 身体健康
- 评估技巧
- 同情心和同理心
- 学生将通过在各种情况下识别、解释和应用解剖学和生理学原理,展示对与运动和活动相关的人体主要系统的理解。
- 学生将批判性地分析动作并有效地传达他们的分析。
To earn this degree, students must meet the following requirements:
- 完成以下主要课程且成绩为 C 或 P 或更高。
- Completion of 60 CSU-transferable semester units with a grade point average of at least 2.0; and
- Certified completion of either the California State University General Education Breadth pattern (CSU GE-B) or the CSU Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (CSU IGETC).
- BIO 047 ---- Human Anatomy (3.0 Lecture/2.0 Lab) ---- 4.0
- BIO 048 ---- Human Physiology (3.0 Lecture/2.0 Lab) ---- 5.0
- KIN 078 ---- 运动机能学简介(3.0 讲座)---- 3.0
CHM 001AH 和 MAT 010H 可以代替 CHM 001A 和 MAT 010。MAT 009 或 SOC 016 可以替代 MAT 010。
- BIO 011 ---- Human Biology (3.0 Lecture/1.0 Lab) ---- 4.0
- CHM 001A ---- General Chemistry (3.0 Lecture/2.0 Lab) ---- 5.0
- CHM 030A ---- Fundamentals of Chemistry (3.0 Lecture/1.0 Lab) ---- 4.0
- MAT 010 ---- Elementary Statistics (4.0 Lecture) ---- 4.0
- PHY 002A ---- General Physics - Mechanics and Thermodynamics (4.0 Lecture/1.0 Lab) ---- 5.0
从三个 (3) 个不同的基于运动的领域中选择三 (3) 门课程,至少三个 (3.0) 个单元:格斗、舞蹈、健身、个人运动、团队运动。
- KIN 050A ---- 太极拳 - 介绍(1.0 实验室)---- 1.0
- KIN 050B ---- 太极 - 入门(1.0 实验室)---- 1.0
- KIN 051A ---- 合气道 - 简介(1.0 实验室)---- 1.0
- KIN 051B ---- 合气道 - 初级 (1.0 实验室) ---- 1.0
- KIN 053A ---- 空手道 - 介绍(1.0 实验室)---- 1.0
- KIN 053B ---- 空手道 - 初级(1.0 实验室)---- 1.0
- KIN 055A ---- 自卫 - 介绍(1.0 实验室)---- 1.0
- KIN 040A ---- 现代舞 - 介绍(1.0 实验室)---- 1.0
- KIN 041A ---- 芭蕾舞 - 介绍(1.0 实验室)---- 1.0
- KIN 041B ---- 芭蕾 - 初级(1.0 实验室)---- 1.0
- KIN 041C ---- 芭蕾 - 中级(1.0 实验室)---- 1.0
- KIN 041D ---- 芭蕾 - 高级(1.0 实验室)---- 1.0
- KIN 042A ---- 爵士舞 - 介绍(1.0 实验室)---- 1.0
- KIN 042B ---- 爵士舞 - 初级(1.0 实验室)---- 1.0
- KIN 046A ---- 交谊舞 - 介绍(1.0 实验室)---- 1.0
- KIN 046B ---- 交谊舞 - 初级 (1.0 实验室) ---- 1.0
- KIN 046C ---- 交谊舞 - 中级(1.0 实验室)---- 1.0
- KIN 046D ---- 交谊舞 - 高级(1.0 实验室)---- 1.0
- KIN 047A ---- 嘻哈 - 介绍(1.0 实验室)---- 1.0
- KIN 047B ---- 嘻哈 - 初级 (1.0 实验室) ---- 1.0
- KIN 048A ---- 拉丁舞/萨尔萨舞 - 介绍(1.0 实验室)---- 1.0
- KIN 048B ---- 拉丁舞/萨尔萨舞 - 初级 (1.0 实验室) ---- 1.0
- KIN 030A ---- 普拉提垫上练习 - 介绍 (1.0 实验室) ---- 1.0
- KIN 030B ---- 普拉提垫上练习 - 初级 (1.0 实验室) ---- 1.0
- KIN 031A ---- 踏板操 - 介绍(1.0 实验室)---- 1.0
- KIN 031B ---- 踏板操 - 初级 (1.0 实验室) ---- 1.0
- KIN 032A ---- 有氧运动和核心健身 - 简介(1.0 实验室)---- 1.0
- KIN 032B ---- 有氧运动和核心健身 - 初级 (1.0 实验室) ---- 1.0
- KIN 033A ---- 跆拳道健身-介绍(1.0 实验室)---- 1.0
- KIN 033B ---- 跆拳道健身 - 初级(1.0 实验室)---- 1.0
- KIN 035A ---- 重量训练 - 简介(1.0 实验室)---- 1.0
- KIN 035B ---- 重量训练 - 初级 (1.0 实验室) ---- 1.0
- KIN 035C ---- 重量训练 - 中级(1.0 实验室)---- 1.0
- KIN 037A ---- 有氧交叉训练 - 简介(1.0 实验室)---- 1.0
- KIN 037B ---- 有氧交叉训练 - 初级 (1.0 实验室) ---- 1.0
- KIN 038A ---- 下肢调理介绍(1.0 实验室) ---- 1.0
- KIN 038B ---- 下肢调理入门(1.0 实验室)---- 1.0
- KIN 038C ---- 下肢调理 - 中级(1.0 实验室)---- 1.0
- KIN 038D ---- 下肢调理高级版(1.0 实验室)---- 1.0
- KIN 061A ---- 哈他瑜伽 - 介绍(1.0 实验室)---- 1.0
- KIN 061B ---- 哈他瑜伽 - 入门(1.0 实验室)---- 1.0
- KIN 061C ---- 哈他瑜伽 - 中级(1.0 实验室)---- 1.0
- KIN 063A ---- 徒步旅行 - 介绍(1.0 实验室)---- 1.0
- KIN 063B ---- 徒步旅行 - 初级 (1.0 实验室) ---- 1.0
- KIN 021A ---- 网球 - 介绍(1.0 实验室)---- 1.0
- KIN 021B ---- 网球 - 初级(1.0 实验室)---- 1.0
- KIN 021C ---- 网球 - 中级(1.0 实验室)---- 1.0
- KIN 021D ---- 网球 - 高级(1.0 实验室)---- 1.0
- KIN 021E ---- 网球 - 锦标赛(2.0 实验室)---- 2.0
- KIN 021F ---- 网球 - 双打策略与比赛(0.5 讲座/1.0 实验室)---- 1.5
- KIN 023A ---- 射箭:介绍(1.0 实验室)---- 1.0
- KIN 020A ---- 羽毛球-介绍(1.0 实验室)---- 1.0
- KIN 020B ---- 羽毛球:入门(1.0 实验室)---- 1.0
- KIN 020C ---- 羽毛球 - 中级(1.0 实验室)---- 1.0
- KIN 014A ---- 排球 - 介绍(1.0 实验室)---- 1.0
- KIN 014B ---- 排球 - 初级(1.0 实验室)---- 1.0
- KIN 015A ---- 篮球 - 介绍(1.0 实验室)---- 1.0
- KIN 015B ---- 篮球 - 初级 (1.0 实验室) ---- 1.0
- KIN 019A ---- 足球 - 介绍(1.0 实验室)---- 1.0
- KIN 019B ---- 足球 - 初级(1.0 实验室)---- 1.0
Scholarships at Mission
Mission College offers a variety of scholarships ranging from $50 to several thousand dollars per year. Eligibility may vary based on fields of study, community and/or college involvement, and/or financial need.
All continuing Mission College and new students, including graduating high school students and transferring students, may apply.
Current Scholarships Available
Mission College 2022-23 General Scholarships Application
New, returning, continuing, or transferring Mission College Scholarship opportunities are available. The 2022-23 MC Scholarship Application-visit the website for more details. The deadline has closed for this year.
NEW Spring 2022 Scholarship Opportunities!
Jim McEntee Legacy Scholarship: Deadline April 30, 2022. Download the application here: 21-22 Jim McEntee Scholarship
American Association of University Woman-AAUW (San Jose Branch Scholarship Application & Opportunity. For more information, visit the website. The deadline to apply is April 15,
NEW Chicana Latina (CLF) Foundation Scholarship
The Chicana Latina Foundation awards scholarships to Latina college students valued at $1500 each. Deadline to Apply: March 31st, 2022
NEW Progress Pride Scholarship!
For the first time, the Mensa Foundation seeks to award our Progress Pride Scholarship: up to two $10,000 scholarships. The scholarship is intended for college-bound, college, or graduate students at U.S. universities who identify as both BIPOC and LGBTQ—and who have demonstrated positive service to the BIPOC and LGBTQ communities.
POINT Foundation Scholarship
The Community College Scholarship Program launched in 2016 and went national in 2017. To be selected for the scholarship, students are evaluated on academic performance and potential, financial need, involvement in school and community, and goals for the future. Deadline to Apply May 3rd.
Mission Promise Program
Mission College is proud to expand our Mission Promise Program to make college more affordable for our new, first-time college students! Eligible students will have their enrollment fees paid for their first two years AND get up to $1,000 to pay for books or other educational expenses.
Dreamer Scholarships
Dreamers: Scholarship opportunity for undocumented and/or DACA recipients
- Immigrants Rising Scholarships
- Silicon Valley Community Foundation
- List of Undergraduate Scholarships
- Latinos in Technology (Includes Business and Nursing)
STEM Based
STEM: Science, Technology Engineering & Math (STEM) Scholarship Opportunities. New opportunities are open!
- NEW! Lockheed Martin STEM Scholarship.
- NEW! Lockheed Martin Vocational Scholarship.
- Nordson BUILDS Scholarship Program.
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- Gates Millennium
- Hispanic Scholarship Fund
- Jack Kent Cooke Foundation
- American Institute of Chemical Engineers
- Society of Women Engineers
External Scholarships New opportunities!
Additional scholarship resources and links.
- pointfoundation.org (LGBTQI+ Scholarship Opportunity)
- Progress Pride Scholarship (BIPOC & LGBTQI+ Scholarship Opportunity)
- Latinos in Technology (includes Business and Nursing)
- Horacio Alger Scholarship (various & Career & Technical Scholarships)
- Pivotalnow.org (Foster Youth Scholarship Opportunity)
- National League of American Pen Woman (NLAPW) (females only scholarship)
- 2022 Scholarship Details 2022 NLAPW Application
- African American Scholarship Opportunity
- African American Scholarship
- Lockheed Martin STEM Scholarship
- Lockheed Martin Vocational Scholarship
- Soroptomist-Live Your Dream Award New!
- Live Your Dream Award NEW! (Due Nov. 15)
- VAPW Scholarship Application (Vietnamese American Professional Women Association of Silicon Valley Deadline May 1)
- 2022 Scholarship Details 2022 NLAPW Application
- African American Scholarship Opportunity
- African American Scholarship
- Lockheed Martin STEM Scholarship
- Lockheed Martin Vocational Scholarship
- Soroptomist-Live Your Dream Award New!
- Live Your Dream Award NEW! (Due Nov. 15)
- VAPW Scholarship Application (Vietnamese American Professional Women Association of Silicon Valley Deadline May 1)
- 健身教练
- 田径主任
- 教练或球探
- 田径教练
- 运动经理
- 体能教练
- 私人教练
- 物理治疗师、脊椎按摩师或职业治疗师
- 营养师或营养师
- 运动药物
- 教师和教授
English Language Requirements
通过 Duolingo English Test 证明您的英语水平!DET 是一种方便、快速且价格合理的在线英语测试,已被全球 4,000 多所大学(如本所)接受。