Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme
Hong Kong, 香港
3 Years
请求申请截止日期 *
* 向理工大学提交完整申请:截止日期为 2021 年 12 月 1 日,香港时间 23:59(格林威治标准时间 +8 小时)
* Monthly stipend of HK$26,600 (approximately US$3,430)
This scheme gives students from around the world the opportunity to study for a PhD in one of Hong Kong’s highly ranked universities. If you are interested in conducting cutting-edge research in one of the following areas, PolyU’s renowned Department of English is the place for you:
- Language and Professional Communication
- Linguistics, English Language and Systemic Functional Linguistics
- Language Teaching and Learning
- Media and Communication
- Area Studies and Intercultural Communication
Key features of the Fellowship Scheme
- 每月津贴26,900港元(约合3,450美元)
- 每年可获发 13,500 港元(约 1,730 美元)的会议及研究相关差旅津贴,为期 3 年
- Tuition scholarship and guaranteed hall accommodation in the two years of study
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)
多年来,理大以提供高质量的专业教育和开展具有实用价值的高影响力研究而建立了良好的声誉。在 2022 年 QS 世界大学排名中,理大位列世界第 65 位,而在 2021 年 QS 亚洲大学排名中则位列第 25 位。在语言学领域,人文学院(英语及传意系是其下属学院)在 2021 年 QS 世界大学学科排名中位列第 51 位。理大以英语授课和管理,是希望攻读博士学位的国际学生的理想选择。
Department of English and Communication
With ‘Linguistic Excellence in Professional Contexts’ as our mission, our research in the Department focuses on applied linguistics, sociolinguistics, and professional communication. Thematically, our research covers major areas such as health communication, political communication, digital media communication, advertising and (city) branding, and language teaching and learning, as well as core areas in linguistics, including the study of language in society and discourse analysis. Much of our research is conducted under the auspices of our two internationally oriented research centres:
- The Research Centre for Professional Communication in English
- The International Research Centre for the Advancement of Health Communication
We regularly host major international conferences and symposia as well as research seminars featuring leading scholars from around the world. The Department is therefore a very vibrant and congenial setting in which to study for a doctorate.
Recent Awardees
Jamie McKeown, United Kingdom
I have enjoyed life and work in Hong Kong immensely thus far; the city is one of the most vibrant and convenient places I have ever lived in. Studying at PolyU is equally rewarding: first-rate resources coupled with supportive work practices bode well for a comfortable working environment.
Esterina Nervino, Italy
I first came to PolyU as an MA exchange student and I immediately fell in love with this amazing city. Now I am happy to be back and have this great opportunity to do research in a very international and stimulating environment where I have access to all the resources I need for my project and I have the chance to work with world-renowned scholars in my research area.
Didem Aydin, Turkey
Being a post-graduate student at PolyU has been a wonderful and intellectually stimulating experience. There are many local conferences attended by experts from all around the world, not to mention our esteemed faculty in the Department of English. On top of that, the city of Hong Kong is a beautiful place where I can learn about the Cantonese language and culture, which I truly enjoy.
Mark Nartey, Ghana
A number of things make PolyU a suitable destination for doctoral studies: excellent facilities, first-class supervision, elite training, the inspiring staff, and the stimulating academic environment. In addition to the incredibly supportive environment PolyU offers me, I continue to benefit from the diverse sociocultural experiences one finds in this cosmopolitan university and in Hong Kong in general. Studying at PolyU is a truly rewarding and fulfilling experience, providing me with a solid foundation for professional development and social impact.
Selection criteria
The primary consideration is academic excellence, as indicated by the possession of a Master’s degree or, in exceptional cases, a Bachelor’s degree with First Class Honours. Selection panels also take account of the following factors:
- Research ability and potential
- Communication and interpersonal skills
- Leadership ability