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Thiel College

选择Thiel College ,您的教育投资将为您带来终生的价值。只是问问你在校园里遇到的任何人;我们热衷于帮助学生取得成功。



Thiel College是一所独立的文科、理科和专业研究机构,致力于提供优质的本科教育,并获得了中部州高等教育委员会的认可,该委员会位于宾夕法尼亚州费城市场街 3624 号,邮编 19104 (267-284-5000),是一所机构美国教育部长和高等教育认证委员会认可的认证机构。 Thiel College与以下机构保持联系:

  • 美国福音派路德教会
  • 宾夕法尼亚州教育部
  • 全国独立学院和大学协会
  • 独立学院理事会
  • 宾夕法尼亚州独立学院和大学协会


Thiel College成立于 1866 年,是宾夕法尼亚州西部的一所独立文理学院,提供创新的本科和研究生课程。受其路德教传统的影响,泰尔提供了一个无障碍和包容的学习环境,并为不同的学生群体提供服务。 Thiel 提供丰富的课外活动和运动体验,促进终身成长、学习和人际关系。


Thiel College让学生为有意义和有目的的职业和生活做好准备,并赋予个人在多元化、公平和包容的学习环境中充分发挥潜力的能力。该学院促进卓越的教育、创新和道德领导,为学生提供独特的学习机会,并作为该地区社会、经济和教育发展的资产。


在接下来的五年里, Thiel College将拥抱并塑造一种大胆而充满活力的创新和创造性领导文化。校园社区将合作推进一项令人信服的使命,采用创新方法进行学生学习、课程开发、社区伙伴关系和校园活动。学院将为学生、教师和工作人员创造新的机会,以推动创新和发展成为有创造力的领导者。新的商业、社区和教育合作伙伴关系将扩大学院的影响力,并为学生提供体验式学习、实习和交流机会。在继续突出其在充满关爱和支持的校园环境中提供高度个性化学习体验的核心价值的同时,学院将扩大其对技术的使用,以增强学生的学习、加强协作并实现校园计划和服务的各个方面的现代化。

Academic Preparation

Preference will be given to those students who display superior ability to do college work as demonstrated by their high school records.

Thiel College expects a student to have completed at least 16 units of high school work by the conclusion of the senior year. It is strongly recommended that the student take:

  • Four years of English
  • Two years of a foreign language
  • Two years of mathematics
  • Two years of science
  • Three years of social science

A student preparing for college study in engineering, mathematics, or the sciences should complete three years of mathematics and three years of science.

A student having earned a General Education Development (GED) diploma must submit a copy of the diploma with test results in addition to an official transcript of all high school work completed.

Applications for admission should be submitted online. Thiel also accepts the Common Application. After submitting a completed application, the student should request that his or her high school send an official copy of their high school transcript directly to the Thiel College Office of Admissions.

Students are not required to submit their official SAT and/or ACT test results. SAT and/or ACT test scores may be requested for scholarship consideration and/or if the student's high school transcripts do not meet our requirements. Students who fall below the minimum requirements of the GPA and/or ACT and SAT scores may be reviewed by an Application Review Committee.

Upon acceptance to Thiel College, a tuition deposit of $150 is required to reserve the student’s place in the incoming class.

International Admission Guidelines

All citizens of foreign countries are encouraged and welcome to apply for admission to Thiel College. To begin the application process, a prospective student must file a formal application with the Office of International Admission.

The student may file an application using either of the methods listed below:

  • Online Application (preferred method)
  • Common Application Form

Application Deadlines

The academic year at Thiel College consists of two semesters: fall (August) and spring (January). Thiel College adopts a rolling admissions policy and there is no set application deadline. However, it is strongly recommended that an applicant complete all admissions formalities and be accepted to Thiel, a minimum of six weeks prior to the start of the semester in which the international student wishes to enroll.

Academic Admissions Requirements

  • TOEFL: 450 (PBT), 45 (IBT), 133 (CBT)
  • IELTS: 5.0 band
  • ACT: 18 composite score
  • GPA: 2.4 cumulative
  • 900/1600 scale

Documentation Required

Applicants must provide documentation to demonstrate their academic proficiency and financial eligibility; all documents provided must be notarized (certified). All documents submitted become the property of Thiel College and are not returnable or refundable. Students who wish to obtain copies of documents submitted must provide a signed written request to the Office of Academic Records. The following documents must be submitted before an application can be processed (Translations are required for records in a language other than English):

  1. Application Form
  2. Passport Copy
  3. Senior High School Transcript: A complete and official educational record of grades, diplomas, and certificates received. These documents must be attested to by the institution attended.
  4. University/College Transcript: Applicable only to international student applicants planning to transfer credits from a college or university within or outside the United States.
  5. TOEFL/IELTS/SAT/ACT Test Scores: Applicants are required to take either one of these standardized exams and have the scores reported directly to the College, by mentioning Thiel College’s CEEB code (2910) when taking the exam.
  6. Letters of Recommendation: Applicants are required to submit a minimum of one letter. The letter must be written by someone who has known and experienced the applicant’s work in a professional setting related to the major of choice. (e.g.: professor, principal, dean)
  7. Statement of Objective (Maximum 500 words): Applicants must submit an essay describing the reason for desiring to study at Thiel. Additionally, mention future academic plans, career objectives, and the motivation behind the intention to return home.
  8. Official Bank Statement of Sponsor (notarized OR Sponsor’s Affidavit of Support (notarized): The sponsor must state their willingness and ability to sponsor the applicant’s education and living expenses. Additionally, the sponsor must list the various sources of income that will be used to support the applicant.
  9. Financial Certification Form: The sponsor must document the availability of a minimum of one year’s total costs (USD $49,000).

English Language Requirements

通过 Duolingo English Test 证明您的英语水平!DET 是一种方便、快速且价格合理的在线英语测试,已被全球 4,000 多所大学(如本所)接受。

  • Greenville

    75 College Ave, 16125, Greenville



Thiel College