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University of Cyprus


University of Cyprus 其目标是将自己打造成在欧洲高等教育领域获得国际科学认可的先驱研究机构,提供有竞争力的课程,并成为更广泛的欧洲-地中海地区的卓越中心。


在这种情况下,大学认为,教育必须提供的不仅仅是知识的积累。 它还必须鼓励学生积极参与学习过程和获得负责任地参与社区所必需的价值观。 大学为所有奖学金领域设定了高标准。



University of Cyprus 是一个公共法人团体。 它由大学理事会管理,包括政府任命的成员和大学民选的议员,以及由高级学术人员组成的参议院。 学院和系由内部委员会管理;每个学院由当选的院长领导,每个系由当选的院长领导。 校长理事会拥有处理日常或时事的行政权限。

UCY 管理机构

理事会负责管理和监督大学及其财产的行政和财务事务。 理事会为每年1月1日开始至12月31日结束的财政年度编制大学年度预算,并批准或晋升大学的学术和行政人员。



Postgraduate Study Scholarships for International Students at the University of Cyprus

Since its establishment in 1989, the University of Cyprus (UCY) has earned a strong reputation domestically, regionally, and internationally, and it has earned a prominent place in World University Rankings. Its focus on academic excellence, as well as research and teaching, is widely recognized. UCY, in line with its internationalization strategy and commitment to excellence in teaching and learning, offers a number of scholarships to qualified international candidates in the following interesting and specialized postgraduate programs:

  1. Master in Business Economics (total tuition fee: 10.000 euros)
  2. Master in Economic Analysis (total tuition fee: 5.125 euros) or PhD in Economics (total tuition fee: 4.000 euros for Master’s holders)
  3. Master in Artificial Intelligence (total tuition fee: 5.125 euros)
  4. Master in Teaching French as a Foreign Language (total tuition fee: 5.125 euros)

The scholarships will be awarded in the form of a deduction from the total amount of tuition fees of the selected postgraduate program. Candidates must meet the academic criteria and adhere to the admission requirements of the specific study program.

UCY is currently accepting online applications for admission in September 2024. The deadline for applications for the above-mentioned postgraduate programs is 14th June 2024, except for the Master in Artificial Intelligence, which has a deadline of 31st May 2024.

  • Aglantzia

    University House "Anastasios G. Leventis" 1 Panepistimiou Avenue, 2109, Aglantzia



    University of Cyprus