Postgraduate Doctoral Study in Economics and Business Economics
Rijeka, 克罗地亚
3 Years
Postgraduate Doctoral Study in Economics and Business Economics
里耶卡经济学院的经济学和商业经济学博士研究项目是两个著名博士网络/协会的成员:中欧和东南欧博士网络(CESEENET) 和欧洲管理和工商管理博士协会 (EDAMBA)。这使我们的学生能够额外参与学生交流,并参加著名的暑期学校和研讨会。除了我们的教授外,杰出的外国教授也参与了该项目,我们的博士生可以从世界各地的优秀教授中选择他们的导师。
- more than 100 papers published in scientific journals indexed in databases WoS and Scopus
- about 300 published in journals listed by the Croatian Ministry of Science and Education;
- more than 220 papers published by EFRI Ph.D. students
- 7 research projects funded by EU teams
- 5 research projects funded by Croatian Science Foundation
- 24 research projects funded by University Science Foundation
- 73 faculty and staff members involved in fundamental and applied research;
- about 100 conferences where EFRI faculty took part
- 16 books published
- increase in external funding of research projects: 50%
- more than 100 Ph.D. and Postdoc students
- about 40 Ph.D. students included in full-time research
- 22 Ph.D. thesis resulted from funded research projects
A very important segment of EFRI's activity is dedicated to publishing. It continuously edits the Proceedings of Rijeka Faculty of Economics – Journal of Economics and Business, published continuously ever since 1971 as a scientific publication of the Institution. The Journal is focused on articles dealing with economic theory and economic policies and is indexed in the most popular bibliographic databases such as JEL, EconLit, IBSS, CAB Abstracts, SSCI, JCR, ProQuest, Scopus, and EBSCO.
该学院拥有符合博士学习项目所属科学学科要求的高质量研究资源。学院在旧楼设有一间大型计算机教室,在主楼设有 3 间计算机室,非常适合研究,因为学院可以使用自有资源获得的计算机程序。事实上,该学院是该地区唯一拥有Amadeus、Bureau van Dijk数据库的学院,该数据库包含约 2100 万家企业的广泛业务数据,覆盖整个欧洲。通过采购统计软件包Statistica ,学院获得了无限数量的许可证,因此,它可以安装在博士生的个人电脑上。学院还提供其他统计和计量经济学数据处理程序,如Stata、EViews、DEA Solver Pro、LISREL、RATS等。计算机中心管理本地网络、计算基础设施和克罗地亚学术和研究网络CARNet 。
Data on our library holdings (as of January 1, 2017) are as follows:
- Number of monograph publications 51,644
- Number of journal titles 23,895
- Number of doctoral dissertations 923
- Number of Masters' theses 681
- Number of Specialist Masters’ theses 286
该学院订阅或免费获得 57 种国外期刊和 83 种国内期刊。随着书籍和期刊的电子出版,图书馆内可用的期刊数量显著增加。整个图书馆的藏书都可以在在线图书馆目录中查阅和查看。此外,用户可以在自己的计算机上搜索图书馆藏书并获取有关可用文献的数据。借阅、分类、控制统计和逾期单以及馆际互借程序中的某些模块已经开发完善。克罗地亚学术界的电子资源门户 - 萨格勒布国家和大学图书馆门户提供对具有国家许可证的最重要的世界数据库的访问 - 书目、引文和包含全文的数据库以及在线期刊。它包括大型书目数据库服务和数据库,例如EBSCOhost和 Web of Knowledge,以及单独的书目数据库,例如Scopus和大型知名出版商的电子期刊服务: ScienceDirect 、 SpringerVerlag 、 Wiley-Blackwell 、 MathSciNet等。
此外,里耶卡大学拥有该地区最大的超级计算机(在用于科学研究的超级计算机中排名世界第 32 位)。Bura 超级计算机基于 Bull DLC B720 水冷服务器。它由 288 个节点组成,每个节点包含两个 Intel Xeon E5-2690 v3 处理器,系统总共有 6912 个处理器核心,总输出为 239.64 Teraflops (Rmax)。该超级计算机拥有超过 18 TB 的 RAM 和 850 TB 的磁盘系统容量。Mellanox InfiniBand FDR 56GB 网络系统确保 Bura 超级计算机集群组件之间的快速通信。
Rijeka University’s new data center is the only one of its kind in the region that offers a direct water-cooling system with warm water up to 40°C. The BURA is a “green” computer according to testing performed by Green 500, placing it at the 175th position worldwide.
They are employed at prestigious national institutions and companies as experts, top managers or advisors as well as teaching and research staff.
Current Ph.D. students by working positions

We are not accredited with AACSB, but we are a member of this association and are in the process of applying.But, our bachelor's program is accredited by EFMD and our Ph.D. program is accredited by EDAMBA: Accreditations and memberships | University Of Rijeka - Faculty of Economics and Business.