计算与 IT 和数学理学士(荣誉)
Online United Kingdom
3 up to 6 Years
全职, 兼职
05 Sep 2024
Oct 2024
GBP 21,816 *
* 每年全职费用; £3,168 - 每年兼职费用
该学位结合了计算与 IT 和数学(纯或应用)。您将在计算和 IT 模块以及数学模块之间平均分配时间。与数学一起学习计算机和 IT 可以在广泛的领域开辟职业生涯。您将获得良好的数学方法基础。这将补充您在计算和 IT 方面开发的技能和知识。您将选择适合您的需求和兴趣的计算和 IT 重点。
- 50:50 计算与 IT 和数学之间的分歧。
- 从计算和 IT 链中的四个选项中进行选择。
我们尽可能提供所有资格证书,并提供全面的服务来支持我们所有的学生。 BSc (Honours) Computing & IT 和第二个科目使用各种学习材料,并具有以下要素:
- 学习印刷和在线材料的混合体——在线学习资源可能包括网站、音频/视频媒体剪辑和互动活动,如在线测验
- 使用数学和科学表达式、符号和相关技术
- 与其他学生在一个小组中工作
- 使用和/或制作图表和/或屏幕截图
- 从事实际工作
- 在线查找外部/第三方材料
- 使用专业软件(例如 Design/Engineering Studio)。
Knowledge and understanding
Upon completion of this degree you will have:
- A broad critical understanding of the fundamental principles, concepts and techniques underlying computing and IT
- An understanding of a range of models and languages to support the analysis and design of computing and IT systems
- A broad critical understanding of the fundamental principles, concepts and techniques underlying your second subject area
- An understanding of the principal theories, methods, models and approaches that can be deployed in your second subject area
- An understanding of the range of situations in which computing and IT systems are used, particularly in your second subject area, the ways in which people interact with them, and the possibilities and limitations of such systems
- An awareness of the ethical, social and legal issues that can be associated with the development and deployment of computing and IT systems, including in the context of your second subject area.
Cognitive skills
On completion of this degree you will be able to:
- Apply and critically evaluate key concepts from computing and IT and from your second subject area in a range of contexts
- Select and apply appropriate techniques and tools for abstracting, modelling, problem-solving, designing and testing computing and IT systems, and be aware of the limitations involved
- Select and apply appropriate techniques and tools relevant to your second subject area
- Critically analyse and evaluate a range of ideas, arguments or theories based on your second subject area
- Devise and carry out a project in computing & IT, in the context of your second subject area, that applies and extends your knowledge and understanding, and critically reflect on the processes involved and the outcomes of your work.
Practical and/or professional skills
On completion of this degree you will be able to:
- Analyse, design, evaluate and/or test computing and IT systems, using appropriate simulation and modelling tools where appropriate
- Plan and organise yourself and your work appropriately, including keeping systematic records of work in progress and outcomes
- Demonstrate the ability to undertake ongoing learning in order to keep up to date with computing and IT and your second subject area
- Identify and address the ethical, social and legal issues that may arise in your second subject area and during the development and use of computing and IT systems
- Use appropriate professional tools to support your work.
Key skills
On completion of this degree you will be able to:
- Communicate information, arguments, ideas and issues clearly and in appropriate ways, bearing in mind the audience for and the purpose of your communication
- Work in a group, communicating effectively in a distance setting where the communication is computer-mediated
- Work independently, planning, monitoring, reflecting on and improving your own learning
- Find, assess and apply information from a variety of sources, using information technology where necessary
- Select and use accurate, appropriate numerical and analytical techniques to solve problems
- Recognise and understand a range of technological problems and select suitable techniques for solving them.
This degree has three stages, each comprising 120 credits.
- 在第 1 阶段,您将学习两个 30 学分的计算和 IT 模块以及两个 30 学分的数学模块。
- 在第 2 阶段,您将学习两个 30 学分的模块(从计算和 IT 重点领域中选择)和一个 60 学分的数学模块。
- 在第 3 阶段,您将选择一个 30 学分的计算和 IT 模块,学习 60 学分的数学模块并完成一个 30 学分的计算和 IT 项目模块。
Stage 1 (120 credits)
Computing & IT
You'll study both of the following:
- Introduction to computing and information technology 1 (TM111)
- Introduction to computing and information technology 2 (TM112)
You'll study both of the following:
- Essential Mathematics 1 (MST124)
- Essential Mathematics 2 (MST125)
Stage 2 (120 credits)
Computing & IT focus
Choose one of four computing & IT focus areas:
Communications and networking
- You'll study both of the following:
- Cisco networking (CCNA) part 1 (TM257)
- Communication and information technologies (TM255)
Computer science
You'll study both of the following:
- Object-oriented Java programming (M250)
- Algorithms, data structures and computability (M269)
Software development
You'll study both of the following:
- Object-oriented Java programming (M250)
- Managing IT: the why, the what and the how (TM254)
Web development
You'll study both of the following:
- Object-oriented Java programming (M250)
- Web technologies (TM252)
You'll choose one from:
- Mathematical methods, models and modelling (MST210)
- Pure mathematics (M208)
Stage 3 (120 credits)
Computing & IT
You'll choose one from:
- Cisco networking (CCNA) part 2 (TM357)
- Communications technology (TM355)
- Data management and analysis (TM351)
- Interaction design and the user experience (TM356)
- IT systems: planning for success (TM353)
- Software engineering (TM354)
- Web, mobile and cloud technologies (TM352)
- Complex analysis (M337)
- Computational Applied Mathematics (MST374)
- Deterministic and stochastic dynamics (MS327)
- Graphs, games and designs (MST368)
- Mathematical methods and fluid mechanics (MST326)
- 进一步纯数学(M303)
Computing & IT project
- The computing and IT project (TM470)